O PDF do texto está aqui . “zwischen Strom und Gestein” Os humanos e a pan-política dos vírus Hilan Bensusan Was not Hegel fully aware that the way spirit arises out of the organic natural process is through a mechanical repetition which disturbs the free organic deployment? [...] There is no spirit without a machine, the appearance of spirit is a machine which colonizes the organism, the victory of spirit over mere life appears as a “regression” of life to a mechanism. Slavoj Zizek (Less Than Nothing, 483-4) It’s a man’s world But finished They themselves sold it to the machines Adrienne Rich The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. John Muir No princípio não era o vírus. Nem era Deus. Dizem que estava tudo escuro, mas tudo só fica escuro quando as luzes se apagam. E depois? Depois sim, nada fica o mesmo depois de infectado. Nenhuma cura é uma volta. Vírus: porção de programa que se instala e se entranha, se executa enquanto se esp
A blog around metaphysics as a project and its cosmopolitical import. It favors a broad, non-parochial, multidimensional and thoroughly poly-stylistic image of philosophy.