Draft of a section of a paper on the anarcheology of forests: The endeavor Heidegger called history of beyng ( Geschichte des Seyns ) is at the same time cosmic – and, to a large extent, cosmopolitical 1 – and archeological – and, if it is so, it is an- arche ological. 2 Throughout his contact with the archives of Nietzsche in the mid-1930s, he became persuaded that the metaphysical forgetfulness of being and the corresponding ontological difference between being and beings 3 were a consequence of an arché – a beginning, an Anfang – which is itself to be exorcized. 4 That initial move placed physis – the nature of processes but also the way things unfold by themselves, of their own forces and their own accord – at the center of the effort to think the world through. That starting point paved the way to the bias of thought towards control expressed in the endeavor of extracting the intelligibility of what it finds around. It is perhaps not clear, or not relevant, whether thi
A blog around metaphysics as a project and its cosmopolitical import. It favors a broad, non-parochial, multidimensional and thoroughly poly-stylistic image of philosophy.