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Showing posts from August, 2016

Diáspora da Agência is over - the last paragraph

I've finished today the writing of A Diáspora da Agência, my book with Jadson Alves. Of course, there are still bits and pieces to adjust before sending it to the publisher, but this is the last paragraph as it stands today (exclusive for this blog): << No contexto de um renascimento da metafísica, as monadologias oferecem muitos atrativos. Primeiro, elas exploram a ideia de que interações sociais contam alguma coisa importante sobre a co-existência das coisas. Segundo, elas são ontologias da agência e como tal pensam a ação como um ingrediente do mundo. O espaço que elas ocupam entre posturas acerca da agência é aquele que os agentes são a fonte da agência e, portanto, são distintos do resto do mundo – além de distintos uns dos outros. Os agentes são individuados porém não independentes uns dos outros; nem há uma prioridade do todo social da co-existência e nem uma prioridade dos agentes individuais independentes. Terceiro, elas tematizam o outro como elemento metafísico f

A section of the last chapter of the book I'm about to finish

This is the section of the last chapter of Diáspora da agência I just wrote. The book, in Portuguese, is an analysis of monadologies in general from the work of Leibniz, Tarde, Whitehead and Latour. In this last chapter I consider the issue of whether monads cannot but pre-figure the other as part of what belongs in their aims, their sense of satisfaction and their perspective in perception. In this particular section I show how this pre-figuration of the other available to monads is what drove Husserl towards a monadology in the fifth of his Meditations . Fenomenologia e monadologia Edmond Husserl, em suas Meditações Cartesianas, adota uma monadologia ao tentar lidar com o problema do que ele chama de solipsismo transcendental que estaria associado à sua fenomenologia que parte de atos intencionais de um eu.1 Ele procura mostrar como os atos intencionais de um eu penso, se desligados da postulação de uma substância, como em Descartes, e associadas a genuínas ações direcionadas de

Being Up For Grabs: the cover

My book Being Up For Grabs is about to be out (promised in for September, 1st). This is the sketch of the cover done by Tammy Lu in line with the other books of the New Metaphysics Series:

Experience: three conceptions

Whitehead's remark that sense impressions are as good a basis for philosophy as traffic signs on the main road are a basis to elucidate the sociology of modern world (in Modes of Thought, lecture 2) encapsulates his view that experience has to be conceived as broader than the input of senses. He also understands experience as having to do with more than what is processed by awareness through a content and more than what is immediately present to us through our senses. His is a notion of experience that is non-Humean and in that sense non-Cartesian. Experience is, for him, what something goes through - and this is why actual entities are drops of experience. Experience is something like what affects, what has an effect, what has consequences. One doesn't have to have access to what is experienced nor be able to discriminate its content. Whitehead's notion contrasts with a Cartesian Empiricist, but it also contrasts with the notion of experience phenomenology endorses. Phenom