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Showing posts from 2020

La Terre, cette schizo

  si les oppressions sont si terribles, c'est parce qu'elles empêchent de mouvements et non parce qu'elle offensent l'eternel (Deleuze, Pourparler 166) Carrying on from the previous post , addition is also production. Outside the sphere of physis turned into thesis , the artificialization of the world is not a replacement based on the extraction of what is intelligible about things, but rather an addition that disrupts everything else. Production, not representation. Poien and ergo and not realitas – or adequatio . In my last class about Marx, I sp oke of the Marxist anastrophe as a fortune of a communism told by capital. The driving force is production – the forces of production force taking things out of the little treasure of my nature to transform them into links, relations that can dispense with the perculiar in me because what I had is invested in them. I become anyone. I can be replaced. Production is a scheme of deindividualization...

Bring things together

I had some general ideas that unify most of what I've been thinking through and researching into lately. I realized that thinking about addition - as what is underneath any negation - brings together my interests in indexicalism (and perspectivism, and the Great Outdoors, and the Other), in cosmopolitics (and in particular the role of artificialization in the history of the furniture of the universe) and in the logic of supplement (and in the very idea that negation is a supplement). The central unifying idea can be stated as a slogan (or a formula): n + 1 . If we start out with a broad idea of excess - and non-intended abundance - we counter various assumptions concerning identity, subsistence and intelligibility. The very project of metaphysics - in the Nietzsche-Heidegger way of seeing it - results from taking things to in a specific way that enjoy some kind of permanence. Further, this can be done also by a relation-based metaphysics where things join together as a blob or as a...

Necropolitics and Neocameralism

It is perhaps just wishful thinking that the alt-right seemingly innovative and intrepid ideas will disappear from the scene as Trump's reign comes to an end. They have their own dynamics, but certainly the experiences of the last years, including those in the pandemics, do help to wear off their bright and attractiveness. Neocameralism, what Mencius Moldbug and Nick Land with him ushered in as a model of post-democracy that relinquish important ingredients of the human security system, is one of these projects that is proving to be too grounded in the past to have any capacity to foretell anything bright beyond the democratic rusting institutions. It is little more than necropolitics - which is itself a current post-democratic alternative. Achile Mbembe finds necropolitics in the regimes were warlords take over the state-like institutions (or mimick them)  to rule on the grounds of local security having no troubles killing or letting die whoever is in their path. Neocameralism pos...

Cosmopolitics: a Yawalapíti approach

In his study of the Yawalapíti cosmology (see The Inconstancy of the Indian Soul , chapter 1), Eduardo Viveiros de Castro describes spirits (specters), animals and humans as being perspectives. They are different ways in which things can be seen and recognized. They are not fixed, one can have different perspectives depending on the body one finds oneself in a circumstance, on the surroundings one is - whether in the forest or outside it because in the forest one is easily an animal and sometimes a spirit - and on the degree of shamanic intensity one is on. They are not a substantive taxonomy, they are indexicals. Further, he writes that from the point of view of spirits, humans and animals are alike while from the point of view of humans there are similarities between animals and spirits and finally from the point of view of animals, humans and spirit are perhaps the same.  Now, a cosmopolitical moment is like a cosmic epoch with its goals, its fears, its defenses, its dreams and ...

The indexicality of conceptual thinking

I'm getting closer to a more solid connection between what a post-nihilist thinking can do and what indexicalism provides. While substantives could have an intelligibility that can be extracted, captured, followed or persecuted - with different degrees of success, with different degrees of approximation - because their correction is given by something independent of any situation, indexicals can only be understood in a context. A situated metaphysics is one where the effort of intelligence is a production that is not consummated in a product, in an idea or a thesis that is general and could expose and replace its object - situated thought is not about replacing what is thought but attempts to produce what is not geared towards a further distribution or registration. At the same time, I understand how the indexicality of conceptual thinking is an example and not an exception to how things are. Indexicalism conceives concepts as being inextricably connected to the position from wh...

Remarks on a perspectivist knowledge

Perspectivism, according to Valentim, hosts two kinds of wisdom. The first has to do with what is known inside the a perspective and the second has to do with the supernatural, xamanic where knowledge is inter-perspective, is about transitions and metamorphic. It is like an empirical knowledge and non-empirical, transcendental knowledge - knowledge inside and knowledge of what makes this inside possible. The transcendental knowledge could involve me being a jaguar, a pig and a human. The formula could be something like this: empirical anthropocentrism and transcendental anthropomorphism. Valentim quotes Tania Stolze Lima in her comparison of the Wari' and the Youdjá. For the Wari', I see a wasp as a wasp and me as human and a wasp sees me as wasp and her as human. For the Youdjá, animals see humans and animals as humans while humans sees animals as animals and humans as humans. But there is a limit for the Youdjá to hold that animals are at their disposal: they know that they t...

It's not negation, it's addition

 Esta é a palestra performance que fiz em fins de agosto, sobre a prioridade da adição sobre a negação. Está aqui. O texto: Não As recusas, as contestações e as  profundidades tântricas da sinceridade A negativo é uma intensidade pronta Peter Handke Engasguei, tive náusea, uma náusea  mansinha que me rasgava de feiúra costura  por costura; era repelente e réptil e  replicante e repentino e reprovava – e o  que mais? Era um Não desses que brotam da  garganta junto com as neissérias, as  estreptococas, as estafilococas e esses  inúmeros outros animais ou espíritos  animais, ou engenhocas, ou microdeuses  pineais, ou pedaços de fúria abandonados  ao léu, como é o Não. Essa população  toda da garganta sugeriu a algumas das  nossas ancestrais que havia ali alma, ou  almas. No escurinho dos tubos, como  numa zarabatana cheia de bafo, tudo  perde a conta e degene...